Saturday, February 7, 2009

Birthday Date and Que Diablo?

Look how happy I am on my birthday date!! ( my hair feathered?)

We went to a wonderful Turkish Restaurant. It was so quiet and it was so great to talk uninterrupted.

Then we walked around a little and looked in shops after dinner.

But here is how the date started.  I put on every piece of make up I own.  I have used four of these products for 18 years.  The MAC concealer is a very recent addition that the college sister recommended.  It is good for those sun spots that have been popping up in my 30's.

Then we were pulling out of the drive and I had forgotten my lipstick because the PKs spilled a whole water bottle in my purse the other day during my eye exam and I haven't gotten my act together since. (purse wise)  SO PD went back in for a lipstick.

He ordered this wine because of the name: del Diablo means "of the Devil" so he had to check it out.  It held no great surprises though.

And speaking of Que Diablo? (what the devil?) we saw this picture in a Charles Harper art book.  We really love the illustrations of Charles Harper.  PK2 loves his alphabet book.  But for the life of us we could not figure this out.

Please leave a comment if you know what is going on in this picture.  Or if it is vile...please don't.

I tried on this lovely coat, but sadly did not buy it.  Just a luxury and in these economic times, I couldn't stomach it.  It was very cute and well cut though.

While I tried stuff on, PD did this:

Two more birthday posts to come!  See you tomorrow.


schwadette said...

Love the picture of PD! :) that's how my lovely dh would look if he went shopping! cute coat - what store??

really.truly said...

Cute coat! Looks like a fun night.
You spent your b-day way more grown up than I did--Nice!

I'm trying to figure out that pic---maybe it's an old fashioned neti pot---sinus cleaner thing?? Ewww.