Monday, January 11, 2010

Build a Bear

My sister and I decided to take the kids to Build a Bear together in lieu of cousin gifts this Christmas.  It was really fun and almost worth the money. Actually it really was worth the money to do once.  They make quite a little experience out of it and everyone enjoyed it a great deal.  Well our boy cousin decided he would rather have an army hat, but what ever makes you happy right?  Here we are at Build a Bear:

Untitled from Political family on Vimeo.


Kelli said...

Wow, a lot goes into those animals! It looks like the girls had a lot of fun.

schwadette said...

look at you miss creative mom! :) LOVE how you put this to music... so fun! looks like the kids had fun too... i personally love build-a-bear... (shhh... don't tell anyone...) :). Good times!