Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In February...

We celebrated Presidents Day at our nursing home ministry.  The girls reminded me with about an hour to spare, the morning of, that the teacher said they "could" dress up as something if they wanted to.  PK2 had her outfit..she was Martha Washington.  For PK2, I threw together a George Washington with staples and cotton balls after a quick google search.

Of course, after visiting at the nursing home, we stopped by to visit Papa and Gram at work so we could be admired a bit more.

We had one really nice day (maybe 50) and the PKs played outside all day.

I even dug out from the nether regions of the freezer, these Trader Joe's popsicles.  They are pretty amazing.

Our zoo school included a special docent-led lesson from the touch pond at the aquarium.  PK1 especially was in heaven.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Looks fun. I love the aquarium at the zoo :)