As always there were so many wonderful activities leading up to Christmas. We attended a beautiful staff party at the Governor's Residence.
Gram and Papa took the girls to the Living Christmas Tree pagaent at their church. PD and I did a little Santa shopping that night.
The girls were in a Christmas on the Ranch program at our nursing home ministry.
The girls made a Christmas parade with all their toys. SO cute and it took them half a Saturday.
PK2 recieved this gift of a candy cane and Christmas pencil from her friend who is a dear family friend of ours. He is an 11 year old boy who shoots hoops with her and he sent this over with his mom a few days before Christmas. He is a gem! (they also share a Spanish tutor, which is why the note is in Spanish).
We went to a beautiful performance of the Nutcracker with our besties and some other home schoolers:
Isn't this venue beautiful? We were able to go for just a $5 education rate.
The girls got to meet a miniature horse (dressed as a reindeer) at the nursing home minstry.
When I showed PD the pictures of the miniature horse, he
literally fell to the floor laughing because of this. If you aren't a Parks and Rec fan, you should be!
Annual Zoo Lights experience:
Of course we did our Advent reading again. Thank you mom for giving us my childhood wreath! The girls love hearing the stories about how we did Christmas when I was a child.
PK1 took this on Christmas Eve. Wouldn't PD make a good Mormon?
Second year in a row for these outfits, but they still fit!
It must be Christmas Eve, baby Jesus is in the manger!
OK, if you are a Parks and Rec fan, you will enjoy this, from Little Sebastian's funeral.