Saturday, April 24, 2010

Camp Out

PK2's best buddy turned five last week and last night there was a birthday party and camp out to celebrate. How much do we love this cake?

The tents:

Hot dogs and s'mores:

Pinata (this is the birthday boy):

This is my daughter wearing the pinata dinosaur rear-end on her head after they broke it up. Is she going to be "that girl" at parties in a few years?

Around ten, the moms got everyone ready for bed and ran home for a bubble bath good nights sleep! The daddies stayed with the kids for the camp over part.

In the country, morning comes around 6:45:

Pancake breakfast:

They got home around 11 this morning, smelly, dirty and tired, but happy. They have wanted to sleep in a tent for years! With me for a mom, this was a great way to finally make it happen.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

This is so funny...

Enjoy this funny little video clip.  My weekend will include painting the shutters, watching the perennials come up, trying to get my explorers straight before I teach them to PK1 this week, dinner with our good friends, cutting the girls' claws nails and putting stuff on the new shelves in my office!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Around the Web

Things I saw around the inter-webs this week:

I wanted this poster really really sold out though.  Tell me if you see one anywhere:
Vintage Veggie Poster

Sadness. John Piper is taking an 8 month sabbatical.  Even in his absence he inspires though.  Read here to find out why:  Piper Sabbatical

A different Piper.  Don Piper is coming to my church.  In preparation read his super inspirational book called 90 Minutes in Heaven.  I am so conflicted though about the whole thing after reading this review from Tim Challies who I really really respect:  Challies Review .  He has some really good insights.

In lighter news..I cannot believe the Pioneer Woman is getting a movie deal and Reese Witherspoon is going to play her.  UN believable.  For more details click here:  Pioneer Woman.

I want to add some bookshelves to our office and ran across these incredible bookshelves.  Enough to make any bibliophile drool.  Bookshelves.

It was 84 here today.  Almost makes up for the fact that PD worked until 8 every night this week.  No it doesn't.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Grandad sent this wonderful little clip to the girls.  Thank you for our spiritual heritage Grandad.  We see its fruit daily.

And here is one of my favorites. For some reason I think of it at Easter.